Stars Lottery 2020

  1. The lottery is STARS’ largest fundraiser in Saskatchewan. This year’s lottery was the most successful to date, selling out two weeks prior to the June 25 Early Bird deadline and raising approximately $2.75 million net for the charitable organization.
  2. National Lottery Projects Since The National Lottery began in 1994 over 625,000 good causes have been supported with over £42 billion raised by players of The National Lottery (figures sourced from the Department for Culture, Media & Sport. – November 2020). Around £30 million raised weekly is an average based on April 2019 – March 2020.
  3. In the event that all stars lottery tickets are sold by the early bird deadline on february 27, 2020, 11.59 p.m. The lucky stars 50/50 tickets will be cut-off and the draw will take place on march 13, 2020. If tickets remain after the early bird deadline, the lucky stars 50/50 draw will take place on april 2, 2020.
  4. ©2021 STARS Lottery Alberta Lottery License 565663 & LUCKY STARS Lottery License 565664. For further information call, 1-855-782-7768.1-855-782-7768.

STARS LOTTERY SASKATCHEWAN COMPLETE WINNERS LIST 2020 Ticket Number First Name Last Name City Prize 400783006 VANESSA RIPLEY & CHRISTINE DR EVER SASKATOON 1st Grand Prize Regina Show Ho me with Interior Decoration & Furnishings 203376001 TRENT SENGER YORKTON 2nd Grand Prize Saskatoon Show Home with Interior Decoration & Furnishings.


Do you want to try your luck, but are afraid that you will lose? I invite you to read the lottery horoscope for 2020. The arrangement of stars and planets affects the fate of the zodiac signs. Of course, you should not rely only on prediction. Read the information in the lottery horoscope, listen to your inner voice – and fortune will be favorable to you!

Not sure how to start playing? Try your luck at the site.

Lottery horoscope for 2020

How to win jackpot in lottery? Listen to intuition, study the information about the sites for the game – and try. Of course, before starting the lotto – it is recommended to check the influence of stars on your zodiac sign. You know, there are days when even behind gloomy clouds you can see the rays of the sun, it seems that the whole world is smiling at you. What does it mean? Stars are in the right phase – they favor you!

Best choice at this moment is to run for lottery tickets, but rather go to the El Gordo website or Mega Millions and make money! On an auspicious day, it is a sin not to seize the moment.

Is it possible to win a millions in the lottery? If the constellations are on your side – everything is possible!

What will bring the year 2020 to the signs of the zodiac? The answer is below.

Aries (03/21 – 04/20). Fate is on your side, believe in your strength – luck favors you. The lucky numbers are 15, 42, 7, 9. Happy days – 7, 13. But it is better to avoid playing the lottery on Fridays – there is a high probability of losing. Relax these days, enjoy talking with loved ones, and explore new opportunities, such as the USA Powerball lottery.

Taurus (04/21 – 05/21). The lottery year promises to be successful. Your time has come! Do you dream of winning a huge jackpot and buying a new apartment, a car or going on a long-awaited vacation? The hour has struck – easy money may be earned in the lottery! Numbers 17, 5, 96, 1 – will bring victory. Happy days – 7, 9, 25. Fortune will favor you on Saturday – go for it.

Gemini (05/22 – 06/21). The following numbers will bring victory: 12, 36, 89, 15 – choose it and win. Days when fortune is on your side are Monday, Tuesday. But be careful, Wednesday is not the best day to play the lottery.

Cancer (06/22 – 07/23). Successful numbers: 13, 56, 71. It’s not recommended to play on Wednesdays, the probability of losing is high. Saturday favors the cancers, fill the combination of winning numbers and the victory will be in your hands.

Leo (07/24 – 08/23). Numbers 15, 58, 96 – will bring you a big win. But on Tuesdays, it’s better to do other things. Also do not risk to make big bets on Wednesdays, be careful. And on Thursday’s morning you can buy your winning ticket!

Virgo (08/24 – 09/23). The following numbers will bring victory – 36, 12, 25, 66. The horoscope on the numbers in the lottery says that the best dates for the game are 12, 15, 22. If you have a desire to play on Friday,don’t hurry up! Virgos will be out of luck that day. Be careful, listen to your inner voice, select your winning combinations – the prize will be yours.

Stars Lottery 2020 Winners


Libra (09/24 – 10/23). Auspicious year, stars favor you. Successful numbers are 25, 33, 44, 89. According to the lottery horoscope, Libra will be lucky, it is important not to miss the moment. Wednesday is not your day – do not play with fate. Wait a bit, you can go get tickets and place bets on Saturday.

Scorpio (10/24 – 11/22). Betting is recommended on the numbers 23,45,66 – will give you a win. But on Wednesday, it’s better to abandon the game, or you may be cruelly disappointed. Avoid combinations of numbers: 25, 33, 77 – they won’t bring victory.


Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/22). You can try your luck on Saturday – this day you will become a winner. Successful numbers are 9, 22, 34, 40. I recommend you to try your luck at the intermediary’s lotto website. Go for it, you will be lucky!

Capricorn (12/23 – 01/20). In 2020, it is better to bet on numbers – 15, 56, 78. But on Saturday and Sunday it is not recommended to play – do other things, develop a strategy, look for new opportunities, for example, American lotteries.

Aquarius (12/21 – 02/19). This year fate favors you. If you wanted to try playing the lottery for a long time – this is your year. Take risks, play and win. The lucky numbers are 1, 6, 9, 42, 92. Do not forget, Tuesday will not bring you money, but on the contrary, there is a high probability of losing.

Pisces (02/20 – 03/20). Lady Fortune smiles at you, lucky numbers are 2, 3, 20, 13, 66. A good day for a big win is Sunday. If you have been waiting for the moment – it has arrived. It’s time to catch luck, look for new sources of income. I recommend trying your chances on the Australian Lottery.

Lottery Horoscope for January 2020

When the weather outside does not please, everything is covered with snow and the sun is not visible at all in the cloudy sky – the best way to cheer up is to play the lottery. I recommend you to pay attention to the Thunderball Lotto. Simple and intuitive rules, will quickly understand the game. You will quickly master all the subtleties and begin to win.

  • This month, Pisces and Taurus will be lucky. Jupiter has a beneficial effect on the game and accompanies good luck. It’s time to bet, do not be afraid to take risks, you are protected.
  • Capricorns will be accompanied by incredible success!
  • Scorpios – be careful. Do not make big bets in January!
  • Sagittarius and Virgo – you are on a horse. Play with lucky numbers, follow the recommendations of the lottery horoscope, Lady Luck will smile at you.
  • Lions – take a break of the game.
  • Libra, Cancers, Aries – hurry up to buy tickets, if you want to improve your financial situation?
  • Gemini and Aquarius – constellations in the right phase, you are under the influence and protection of Venus! It will not give you offense and will help to increase the capital.

January is the first month of the year with the strongest energy. Only lazy zodiac signs will remain without a win.

Explore the lottery horoscope for February

One of the harshest and coldest months of the year. But do not be discouraged.

  • Fiery signs – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius waiting for a streak of luck in February.
  • Signs influenced by Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) – try new lotteries. Unbelievable prospects open up before you.
  • It is better for earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) to postpone with large bets.
  • Elements of air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) – Saturn is in a favorable phase. Make bets, buy tickets – the chance to cut the jackpot is huge!

What to expect from Lady Fortune in March

Everyone needs a break. And although March is the first month of spring. Goddesses of Fortune and Victory decided to rest.

Stars Lottery 2020

Be careful and prudent, do not register on suspicious sites. After the winter, “hungry” scammers look for a way to make easy money.

No need to take loans from unfamiliar people. Remember, even 1 ticket or 1 bet – can dramatically change your life! And the Goddesses of Fortune and Victory do not like debtors.

Pisces and Aquarius will achieve a success in March – they can get a big win without much effort.

Other signs, it is recommended to think over a strategy and act in a measured manner. No need to bet the last money! Turn on intuition and logic. Use the “Luck Numbers”. This lottery horoscope will help increase the chances of winning.

Who has Fate’s favor in April?

Spring is a time of love and renewal. A new wardrobe, a car, an apartment, cosmetics, a vacation abroad – you need money for everything.

In April, you can significantly improve your financial situation! Read the lottery horoscope for your sign and go for it!

  • Capricorns and Aries – an unexpected, big prize awaits you. To increase your wealth, give part of the money to charity and family assistance. Remember – everything returns in tripled volume. And it also concerns money.
  • Lions – hurry up! In the first half of April you can win the jackpot!
  • Everything is ambiguous for Pisces.They shouldn’t risk in the first half of the month. But from the 15th, hurry up to bet and buy tickets!
  • Taurus – Mercury protects you. It is time for changes. Try your luck in new games. I recommend world lotteries. The opportunity to win a large cash prize is incredibly great!
  • Cancers and Virgos – stars whisper about new discoveries this month. You should reconsider the strategy of the game. Do not trust the lottery horoscope? Then wait a bit with bets and buying tickets. Wait for a better opportunity – and the road of new chances will be opened to you.
  • Aquarius and Scorpio – hear what the heart whispers? In April, you need to listen to your inner voice, intuition will not let you down. Doubt it? So, the time for the big game has not come yet. Don’t risk large money, otherwise the pain from the lesion will be acute.
  • Libra – April is not your month. Don’t risk in vain.
  • Gemini – Lady Luck is already at your doorstep. Open the door, go to the lottery sites – you can hit the jackpot.

May Lottery Horoscope

The last month of spring comes. What will it bring? Read below.

It is important to rely on logic, to develop an individual strategy in May – then many new opportunities will open up.

  • Sagittarius – take your time to bet and choose winning combinations. Carefully study the lucky numbers for your sign in 2020, and only then make a decision. Fate is insidious! Be careful. Enemies may hide behind friends’ masks. Do not trust strangers! And do not borrow to play. If you don’t have enough money, try next month.
  • Aquarius – you will be extremely lucky in May. But in order not to miss your luck, carefully study the lottery horoscope for a year. For a winning combination, use the “Digits of Luck”. And remember – do not wait all your life, it’s time to act! Fate favors those who move forward.
  • Pisces and Aries – this is your month! You can easily earn money for the dream. But don’t risk too much. Don’t make rash decisions. Come into the game – and follow the recommendation of the lottery horoscope!
  • Taurus and Gemini. There’s a high chance of winning the lottery in May. It remains not to miss the opportunity. The first half of the month is pretty successful. Be careful in the second half. Don’t lose the money you earned!
  • Scorpios and Capricorns – May is not your month. Be careful, this period you will find disappointment. Pause with the game at the beginning of the month will save your money! But from May 17, fortune will smile at you again.
  • Cancers – don’t “sleep”! You can miss the chance of a lifetime. Time to act – try your hand at new games. Bet on the numbers that will bring you victory (they have already been announced in the lottery horoscope for a year).
  • Libra – in order not to lose all your saves, do not take risks. Responsibly approach the choice of winning combinations. In May, the Moon protects you, and it is wayward.
  • Virgo – you can easily win a cash prize if you follow the advice of the lottery horoscope. Do not change traditions, weigh each decision. May is your month.

The last month of spring favors those who doesnt sit still. Special power will receive fire and air signs. For earth and water signs – everything is ambiguous, it is important not miss moment. Do not play in unfavorable days according to the lottery horoscope – you will be disappointed.

Horoscope of luck in lottery draws for June

Constellations favor earth signs of zodiac in June. It’s time to try your hand at new games. I suggest you start with EuroMillions lottery. With the right approach, a big jackpot surely will be win.

  • Virgos – be careful, you shouldn’t make rash decisions. Familiarize the calendar of successful days carefully, and only after that make bets. Lottery horoscope will help!
  • Gemini and Aries – the month will be difficult. But do not lose heart. Do not make big bets, and you’ll be lucky!
  • Pisces and Cancers – it’s time to draw a line. Analyze your financial flows. Make a clear strategy – and only then you should bet. Avoid spontaneous decisions – they are fraught with losses.
  • Capricorns and Sagittarius – do not wait that opportunities will “fall” into your hands. Seize the moment. Mars favors you in June. It’s worth it to take action, you will surely achieve high results. Follow the recommendations of the lottery horoscope and the money will flow like a river into your wallet. Many of you will win prize in EuroJackpot European lottery.
  • Aquarius and Leo – June is one of the most favorable months of the year. Seize the moment! Bet on the numbers of luck – and get a big jackpot! Try not to get into debt, otherwise the “most successful” month will be a failure.
  • Sagittarius – refrain from high bets in the first half of June. But from the 16th – do not miss the chance. Stars favor, follow the tips. Carefully study the lucky numbers described in the lottery horoscope!
  • Taurus – the time has come! Don’t wait, visit the site with lotteries, and place bets. Try your hand at SuperEnalotto– fate is on your side.
  • Scorpios – be patient. Hot temper can interfere. Don’t go all in, act measuredly. In June, Neptune patronizes you, and he likes balanced decisions.
  • Libra – June is a great time for big bets. With “Lucky Numbers” fortune will by on your side. Register on new sites – go for it.
  • Capricorns – take your time, the finest hour will come in July. In the meantime, analyze the possible combinations, explore new sources of information.

The first month of summer favors the zodiac signs of the water element. Don’t miss the moment, Lady Luck is capricious.

July lottery horoscope

July is not as simple as it seems. He favors Aquarius, and the rest of signs need to be careful. The influence of Venus is strongly traced – it is wayward.

Do you want to know if you will win a millions of dollars in the lottery? Everything is possible, but you have to work hard.

  • Whoever is not recommended to make big bets is Taurus and Capricorns. Spend time with loved ones, relax. You will be lucky, but in another month. Do not take risks – you can lose a large amount of money.
  • Pisces and Scorpios – fortune is not with you in the first half of the month. In the second – it is worth to refrain from large bets. Wait for a favorable moment.
  • Aries, Lions and Virgos – July is not the best month for playing the lottery. Wait for a favorable moment.
  • Cancers and Libra – July is a good period for game. But do not rejoice, there are reefs too. Refrain from large bets. It’s better to win a little money than lose everything.
  • Gemini and Sagittarius – take your time. Better to play in the middle of the month, the rest of the days are unfavorable.

July is an extraordinary month. It doesn’t like spontaneous decisions. Do you want to win? Ponder each step, follow the strategy and advice of the lottery horoscope.

Zodiac sign tips for playing the lottery in August

The last month of summer will bring good luck to Taurus, Scorpions, Aries and Gemini. People born under the influence of these constellations can easily win a huge sum of money.

Pisces and Lions are advised not to put all the money. Only with a carefully thought-out strategy you will win a prize.

Fortune favors Libra as well. In August, you can try your hand at new games.

Aries and Virgo – don’t overdo it. It’s better to win a little than lose everything. Lottery horoscope warns! Even numbers following one after another can cause trouble for you – be careful.

Stars Lottery 2021

For the remaining signs of the zodiac – August will be the month that will bring many new discoveries.


September lottery horoscope

It’s time to act. It is important to set goals and move forward. The month will be saturated for all signs. To get a big cash prize, study winning combinations, make a detailed analysis of the data. In the second half of September you can relax before a new start in October.

  • Virgo – be careful, thoroughly study the lottery horoscope, pay attention to the good days of the week and “lucky digits”. If you stick to the rules – you’re going to be lucky!
  • Lions – September is made for you! The big win is very close, you just have to lend a hand. Odd numbers will help to get a victory! Try your hand at the Oz Lotto– fate favors those who doesn’t stand still!
  • Gemini – don’t delay. Jupiter protects in the first half of the month, in the second one – do other things.
  • Libra – it’s time to open new horizons. Try your hand at the intermediary’s site, there are a lot of games in it. Register and win!
  • Aquarius – “luck” will become your middle name in September. Don’t miss the opportunity!
  • Taurus and Aries – it’s time to take a break. September is the month when you can stay with your family, enjoy last warm days. But playing the lottery is not worth it yet – you risk losing a large amount of money.
  • Capricorns– hurry up to buy a ticket and bet. This month you can improve your financial situation!
  • Scorpios – try your hand at cheap lotteries. Don’t spend a lot of money, beware of scammers. Follow the recommendations of the lottery horoscope, you can hit the jackpot!
  • Pisces – no need to rush and make a lot of bets. Take a deep breath, concentrate – fortune doesn’t like people in a hurry. Bet only on successful days for you, be sure to use lucky numbers.
  • Cancers – September will bring many surprises. Good or not? It depends on the strategy of the game. Large bets are not recommended. Better to make small but accurate bets. And the amount of winnings will increase significantly!
  • Sagittarius – Mercury protects you. Its influence is especially strong in the first half of the month. At this time, it is recommended to bet and buy lottery tickets. Do not miss the opportunity, while fate is on your side!

September is an extraordinary month. But if you follow the recommendations of the lottery horoscope – you will receive a large cash prize.

Lottery horoscope on October

It’s time to play big. But be careful! Only those who will draw up the strategy, make settlements and buy lottery tickets, will succeed! Do you want to win? Get a cash prize and improve your financial situation? Learn the lottery horoscope – you will find many new things!

  • Cancer – hurry up to get lottery tickets! Jupiter protects you! But avoid the odd numbers that are nearby – they may pick up the victory!
  • Taurus – you should wait. Don’t make rash decisions. Do not take loans from unfamiliar people. In the first half of the month, wait, do other things. But after the 18th day best hour will come.
  • Scorpio – fortune loves persistent people. Try it, look for new opportunities.European Lotteries – is a great way to increase revenue.
  • Sagittarius – you will hit the mark in October. Use “lucky numbers” from the lottery horoscope, play on good days – the win will be in your pocket.
  • Capricorns – while you wait for a miracle, life passes by. It’s time to act! Weigh the pros and cons and try. Challenge yourself at the German Lotto 6 aus 49 lottery. Марс в октябре благосклонен к вам.
  • Libra it’s your month! Hurry up to start the lottery game!
  • Aquarius – do not make rash decisions, take your time. Check the lucky numbers and days with the lottery horoscope and only then bet!
  • Virgo – nice bonuses are waiting for you. Help and support will come from an unexpected angle. Everything is great in October!
  • Cancers – in the middle of autumn it is better not to play with large bets. Do not borrow money for the game if you do not have enough money – cheap lotteries are created for you. Risks are minimal. It is important to weigh everything – and only then make bets!
  • Gemini – it’s time to cool change your fate, trump cards in your hands!
  • Aries – October is not your month, but do not write off upset. This is the time when you can build relationships with others, look at life from a different angle.
  • Pisces – your finest hour hasn’t arrived yet. You can play with small amounts. Do not bet all money.
  • Lions – your time has come. Visit the reseller’s website and win!

October will bring a lot of lottery prizes to people who adhere to the advice of the lottery horoscope!

Lottery horoscope for November

The last month of autumn. Cold winter is ahead, new year is not far off. It’s time to make money on gifts. You can try your luck with British National Lottery, but before placing bets, be sure to study the lottery horoscope.

  • Pisces – changes and unexpected victories await you. But you should not relax. Do not make harsh conclusions or make sudden decisions. Go to the lotto game wisely.
  • Scorpio – it’s time to listen to the inner voice, he will tell you what to do. But be sure to explore the happy days of the lottery horoscope! They will help to win!
  • Aquarius – Venus is in the right phase, it will bring good luck!
  • Virgo – losses are inevitable, but you should not lose heart. Concentrate – and you’ll find a winning combination .
  • Taurus and Libra – move at the intended course. Avoid even numbers in the same row.
  • Aries and Cancer- do not hesitate to place bets.
  • Sagittarius – believe in your strength. In November, a large prize is likely – do not be afraid to move towards the goal.
  • Capricorns – fate favors you in November. Learn the “lucky digits” from the lottery horoscope and place bets!
  • Lions – focus! Do not tell strangers about your hobbies. Do not borrow money. Try your luck with Australian Oz Powerball.

December lottery horoscope

The magic time and New Year’s miracles are coming. The air is filled with a special atmosphere of fairy tale. You can earn money for gifts on the website of the lottery intermediary. As long as there is time – act!

  • Pisces and Capricorns – you can easily win money to make their dreams come true.
  • Gemini and Aries – receive unexpected bonuses that will lead you to win the jackpot.
  • Libra – near to the end of the year, luck will smile at you! Do not rush into the game with your head, wait for the sign! Poems of air and earth will help!
  • Cancers – visualize and everything will turn out! When the constellation is under the auspices of Mercury – the victory is yours! Do not miss the opportunity!
  • Lions – do not make large bets and buy many tickets. Shoot rarely, but accurately. Follow the advice of the lottery horoscope – the prize will be yours!
  • Virgo – on the La Primitiva lottery Santa has prepared a surprise!
  • Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius – you will find many pleasant gifts in December!
  • Pisces – it’s time to clench your will, concentrate and bet! Don’t worry, you will win! Tips from the lottery horoscope will help!

Lottery horoscope will help you make the right decision when in doubt. Unity with your element contributes to the realization of a cherished dream.
Be sincere in your desires, forget about greed. Otherwise – all in vain. Lottery horoscope is a small piece of information that can tell the stars. Only personal prediction will help you to know yourself and to identify favorable periods of your life.
I am happy to share with you the lottery horoscope for 2020!

The Lethbridge STARS lottery home on 104 Canyon Ridge Blvd W. (Lethbridge News Now)
$4.9-million in prizes to be won in STARS Lottery

LETHBRIDGE, AB – A home worth close to one million dollars is just one of several prizes you can win in the STARS Lottery.

Stars Lottery 2020 Show Home

STARS Chief Operating Officer Mike Lammachia says it is their largest annual fundraiser, comprising approximately one-third of their total budget.

The house, located at 104 Canyon Ridge Blvd West in the Paradise Canyon area, is the third one to be constructed by Van Arbor Homes.

Van Lowen, Co-Owner of Van Arbor Homes, says they try to go above and beyond each year to create something that can truly feel like a “dream home”.